Spinning directly out of X-MEN: SCHISM, the X-Men are split in two.
In the oversized debut issue of the new ongoing flagship X-series, Wolverine takes one half of the X-Men back to Westchester to start over again. But will the new Hellfire Club outlast its first day?
Join Marvel Architect Jason Aaron (X-MEN: SCHISM, WOLVERINE) and legendary X-Artist Chris Bachalo (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, GENERATION X) for a brand new action-packed take on the X-Men that will set a new standard for the Children of the Atom.
2nd Printing
Series: Wolverine & the X-Men, Vol. 1
Genre: Action, Adventure, Super-Heroes
Story arc :
Issue : 1E
Issue no : 1
Language: English
Country : USA
Age : Modern
Cover Date : Dec 2011
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