That Texas Blood #11 Review

(W) Chris Condon (A) Jacob Phillips

Time for our monthly mention of one of Image’s very best ongoing titles…

When it comes to noir comics (one of my favourite genres), atmosphere is everything. Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips are the masters of this.  And Chris Condon and Jacob Phillips are fast becoming masters in their own right.  I mean, just look at the cover alone of this issue, dripping with atmosphere.

We are approaching the end of the second arc with issue 11, with Joe Bob and Eversaul locating and getting ready to confront the Cult of Night.  A thunderstorm rages; a couple of guys getting ready to do the right thing, when they should clearly wait for backup; a young girl in danger; a promise made by a man to a mother that he will save the child; a ticking clock.

All these tropes and staples are utilised, and because of how great the character work is, both from a writing and artistic viewpoint, we are invested.  We are genuinely fearing for these characters, and there may just not be a happy ending.

We’ve said it many times, but will happily say it again.  If you are not on this, you are missing out on one of the great modern comic runs.  Whatever these guys are working on, I’ll be picking it up day one every time.